Committed to Covid19 Safety Protocol
The health, safety, and well-being of our customers and employees remain our top priority. We continue to take proactive steps while still providing our customers with the professional service they have come to expect.
During appointments, our technicians will be wearing full protective equipment including gloves, masks, and boot covers. The responding technician has final discretion before entering any building.
All customers will be asked the following questions before dispatching a technician:
If you or anyone at your business or home are currently diagnosed with COVID-19 and if not, whether you have;
Been in close contact with a confirmed COVID-19 patient or been in close contact with someone who has had contact with a confirmed COVID-19 patient, in the 14 days prior to their visit;
Anyone in your household or business has a symptom of a cough, fever, or shortness of breath.
Traveled to any area greater than 60 miles from your home or to a high-risk area.
If the risk is determined from any of the above, we will attempt to correct the problem without entering the home or business. The customer will be alerted if the new installation or trouble ticket repair needs to be postponed until a later date.